Edwards Asset Management Performance Matters.
Fees Matter.
Advice Matters.
People Matter.

About us

Our team's experience and entrepreneurial spirit guide our effort to tailor strategies that are designed to grow the real value of your wealth for generations to come.

Edwards Asset Management Full team Meet Our Team

Wealth & Investment Management


  • Meet to understand your financial goals, challenges, and preferences
  • Gather documentation
  • Coordinate with your existing professional advisors


  • Develop a customized investment plan
  • Building a personalized investment portfolio and proposal
  • Work together to schedule reviews


  • Activate the investment plan
  • Phase in the recommended investment strategies
  • Review future client statements


  • Review progress against your planned objectives
  • Assess and adjust the plan based on strategic asset allocation
  • Keep you and your professional advisors informed
Our Processour Strategies

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Ft. Lauderdale

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Ft. Lauderdale